Nancy Franklin Nancy Franklin

Building a Strategy Agenda: Applying Agile Strategy & Collaboration Principles to Strategic Planning

At Franklin Solutions, we encounter more and more organizations that are looking for an alternative to the traditional strategic plan. They recognize the value of identifying the most promising pathways to advance their organizations but have become disillusioned with strategic planning processes that take months to generate, only to be quickly outdated.

A Strategic Agenda can enable your organization to be agile, strategic, and inclusive as it shapes its future in a dynamic time.

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Tim Franklin Tim Franklin

Inclusive Economic Development: With Issues of Race, Changing Lives Needs More Doing Than Talking

The social justice and equality movement of 2020 represents a once in a 50-60-year opportunity to make meaningful change in a most persistent U.S. problem. Enormous amounts of goodwill exist across demographics for a reckoning that improves systemic conditions laid down by centuries of now-indefensible cultural assumptions. We know that all men and women are created equal and that social conditions, not race, determine the degree of human potential each citizen eventually contributes to their communities and this great nation. The lost human and economic potential is recognized by a majority of Americans as just plain wrong. What’s more, the pandemic of 2020 will require major efforts to rebuild our economy, providing a confluence of opportunity.

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